Monday, February 19, 2007

This, I Promise......

So if you know me, you'd know very well that medicine was never an option.
How I ended up here is a long story. Do I regret it? I'd be lying if I said that I don't, and I'd be lying if I said I do. I wont deny the fact that the question" what if" pops in my head ALOT, and recently more than ever. You see.. every person I ever knew never thought of me as a doctor!
Apparently im not "doctor material", fact still remains that I AM a medicine student, and I will graduate to become a doctor. Now am not sure if I were to be a good doctor, or even better a surgeon, but you never know! Great individuals were NOBODIES at one point!
So this is for the people who didn't believe in my abilities:
You said Id never get into med school, yet here I am, sure I break down every once in awhile, and I think its all a mistake, but AM HERE
You said now that am in, ill never make it to the finish line... I didn't and wont prove you right! sure its a long way to go, but I WILL make it, and I promise you that when im there ,at the finish line, I wont be torn down, I'll make it in one piece!
your words might have belittled me once, but never again... this I promise....



A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I admire that so much...especially after what we went through! People have something I call the unhappy syndrome!! seriously, the concept of being happy for someone, rather than putting them down is just not uncomprahendable to them!

So many people around us underestimate our capabilities, and though it is possible that they are right, to have fate in someone is important...atleast it can help you to be capable! We are all capable...we'll get through it together!

In your face people who are messing with our loud one!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Inshallah Inshallah INSHALLAH we will ALL make it to that far-flung finish line, in ONE piece, sanity intact..

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

This is so ur attitude Doc keep it up cuz ur keeping our spirits up with it!I can hear ur voice while reading it but dont diagnose me as schizophrenic! its jus that it is so0o u.
Sporty Doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

haha i TOTALLY agree with Athlete Doc! I SOOOO heard u reading it with me! :P

You deserve the best Loud Doc! You'll SHOW THEM! *hug*

Perky Doc.