Friday, March 16, 2007

Life's Trilogy -Part II-

Mood: Full of Life
Listening to: Buddha Bar

Life's Trilogy
LiFE,, what an iNSPIRATION!!!

"Everything is clearer when you're in love.
" ~John Lennon

Now now don't get too excited this blog isn't about "falling in love", even though i feel that the L in Life's Trilogy should be for LOVE, i still want the trilogy of Life a series, and what's a "series" without tragedy or drama!!
My perception of love is influenced by many examples of people themselves or their quoets. Two of them remain close to my heart
"a many splendid thing"~IDOC..An emotive blog of love..
and Mr.Lennon here, Love is a reason for seeing things clearer ..A Beautiful indication of love
I strongly empathize with the previous hypothesis of love, for love is a great :

From the great wide open ,
the miracle of birth

..We find inspiration..

Inspiration is the divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.That's inspiration in dictionaries. *don't you love the way they put "things" into words*So it's a Guide to the mind and soul.In addition ,my persuasion of Inspiration is that it's the difference between the living and dead.If you are not inspired by at least your conscious, surroundings, feelings, book's facts or fictions then you are both spiritually and mentally DEAD!!,,Let's check one of your vital signs:

*looking around;

  • living people
They passes us each day*gosh how many are they?*.To be one of them; breathing, thinking ,talking, walking touching feeling, tasting ,hearing, seeing shitting/peeing, socializing bitching and moaning..
Your not a number, your are one
..Be Inspired..
  • Our own Human Body,

To learn the pathology,physiology anatomy histology embryology neurology biochemistry and nutrition of this body
Don't just know, understand
..Be inspired..

  • Music

Rock,Metal, Pop,Jazz , Classical , Blues, Rhythm ,Melodic ,and Hip Hop
sure listen to music, but listen to yourself too!!
..Be inspired..!

  • Family

Your Mother, the person you owe your life to, Your father the one you love but show only respect to.Your Brother/Sister, who give life a meaning.To Have them in your life is a blessing, a reason for happiness...
..Be inspired..

Another Source of inspiration in which i find motivation and excitement:

  • Friends..;)
Take the bloggers for example,

Classy Doc,
Will inspire you to be elegant!! ;P

Glam Doc,
Will fix you a dress in no time! ;P

She's got the i ,IDOC alone is an inspiration!

Loud Doc,
Wildness has no limits but Loudness will give you a headache ;P

Perky Doc,
Sunshine is shin less without her around ;)

Savvy Doc,
Yeah'll definitely be inspired ;P

Sporty Doc,
Life is a "game" and so is Medicine! ;P

Wicked Doc,
Sensitivity may come in many "Alternative" s ;)

LOVE,Joy, laughter, sorrow, grief, boredm , pleasure, guilt sins, deeds and other stimulants and
actions.They are subjected to human but inspiring to human beings!!
God Gave us the greatest gift on earth, the human brain and soul.Hence, if you can arouse them to a high level of feeling and activity!! Why waste time living when you can

Be inspired..

Be inspired to look around,explore,give more & speak less.... for once let your actions speak for you!
Read, travel, learn,meet people,and eat healthy. Just live out there !

Be inspired because inspiration is essential for the continuation of life..

Well, we all know that;
Inspiration:it is he act of inhaling; the drawing in of air as in breathing.. ;)

life will inspire,
So Breath!


P.S. My inspirations mensiod to the bloggers were brief, i intended to keep it that way so that the post won't take over the page ;P.A small preview of the distinctive characters behind!!


Anonymous said...

so let me get this straight, all of you are doctors and all of you use the same blog.. hmmm..

Inspiration is an intoxicant drug that has a major effect in motivating the courier, yet enlightening only the optimistic parts of the concious brain.. hence this fact, inspiration is a variant term with a million sides to the same meaning that even dictionaries differ in telling which is which..

yet again, i do agree that it is a mark of difference between the live and the dead, but as many other difference between the lively ones and the corpses, its reliant on only one fact, the person him/herself and how they precieve such a hormonial reaction to what inspires them..

One last thing, from a fellow blogger to another.. let your words pour on the keyboard, and don't save it for later.. if a blog takes one paragraph, or even a complete volume, it's still a blog that talks about what was, and currently is on your mind..


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

anonymous- lol.. We're med students..doctors in the making.. and the idea of "sharing" a blog was intentional :)

vin- I must agree with anon.. As people, we all look at things differently, we're touched by different things, we laugh at different jokes, what breaks us may not break someone else, and we are inspired by anything and everything that triggers a special part of us that lies deep within us.. It's what makes us unique, what makes us HUMAN..

Inspiration, I must say, is an inspiration in itself.


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

..yes you got it straight! nothing confusing!

I strongly agree with the way you discribed Inspiration "an intoxicant drug that has a major effect in motivating the courier, yet enlightening only the optimistic parts of the concious brain.."

A Drug with so many directions depending on:
"the person him/herself and how they precieve such a hormonial reaction to what inspires them.."

Well defined anonymous
and Thanx for the piece of advice, we could all use a click of "post" rather then "save"


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

The world is full of little inspirations...the art is to be inspired!

As the previous bloggers said, it is actually fascinating (almost inspiring) how people look at different things differently. You can call it easily pleased but if I had a penny for every time I felt that I had to Pray/write/sing/whtever because of an inspiring moment I'd be Queen of England!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

p.s: thanks for the compliment vin ;) (although i still can't see "it" lol)
