Saturday, March 24, 2007


Ever come to this feeling where u feel trapped, i dnt just mean physically trapped, but in an emotional way too, like u just want to peel off your skin, or scream out LOUD! Ive been experiencing this feeling for quiet awhile now, and ive got to say its a feeling i wouldn't wish on my rivals, coz no one deserves to experience such suffering! The really intruiging part is that there's nothing that's causing me to experience such emotions, i guess it partially hormonal, but most of guys know the hormonal phase and am pretty sure its not what this is!
A part of me can't help but think that its due to the influence ppl have on me, not a +ve one! Ppl can't fail to disappoint me....yes disappointment, such a strong word, and I of all ppl have had my share of it and could go on and on about it, but not just yet!! but until then...

LOUD ...

1 comment:

A Triumphant Pursuit said...



And for those who disappointed you,
Stand up singing:

"'Cause it makes me that much stronger

Makes me work a little bit harder

It makes me that much wiser

So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster

Made my skin a little bit thicker

Makes me that much smarter

So thanks for making me a fighter"

Who's better to say it than this
Sagittarius Young Female Artist
*NO that's not a Grammy category*
just like A wise Friend once told me expressing her admiration as a "Huge Fan"
