Friday, May 25, 2007


Aren't we all?
Savvy Doc.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are we alone? or simply lonely?

Huge Difference...

Anonymous said...

if ur talking about loneliness, then we've picked solitude along time ago! i never wanted to be solitary, but its not a choice... everyone is!

Anonymous said...

"The worst feeling on earth is to feel lonely when there are so many people around"

We ar enever alone...

Anonymous said...

Well if we are talking about lonliness...I must agree it is a horrible feeling. It can stem from anything; losing a loved one, not finding someone to love or even feel distant from the people you are with.

Being alone per se is not too bad of a thing, its actually something that I personally cherish, because in our day and age we are RARELY alone...for instance I have discovered that I LOVE flying alone, it is the one time I can sit with no interruptions, no phone calls, no emails, nothing...just my thoughts and I. Everything in the background is a jumble of sounds.

hmmm apparently my commenting on the previous post opened pandoras box...i find myself wanting to comment a lot more :P

Anonymous said...

Frankly, Not all people are!!

Anonymous said...

I find myself often saying..."just leave me alone!"

Yeah sometimes that's all that I want, especially after sharing a room with my youger sister (8 yrs younger) for more than forever, but then I think, what if I really was alone?

I mean sure sometimes I want it, but most of the time I don't want it, I want my people around me, my family my friends...

Loneliness... like love, hate, sadness, it's an emotion! One of the worst...and Adam, that quote is one of my favorites "scrubs" :P

It is so true!

Anonymous said...

sometimes all you really wanna do is just be left alone. it's true. I mean, enjoying someone's company is one thing, but sometimes you just need grow and connect with yourself once again.
if only we were alone with the people we CHOOSE to be alone with. But then again, it shouldn't be called "being alone with someone" if you ARE with someone. (i know lol...just a thought) :P

I must say, feeling lonely is the worst feeling ever. No matter HOW many people you're surrounded with, only one or two will be able to get you out of your "lonely bubble", if any at all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ALL for your comments..
as for mine.. i'd rather keep this post at 3 words..