Wednesday, May 9, 2007

IIIa. A Ponderer's Words.

So tell me..

Awkwardness.. Are things simply as awkward as we make them? Or do some things which have deviated from our norm inevitably reach a point of uncomfortableness when dealt with?

Belief.. It keeps us going, gives us the strength to hold on, and we find it so commonly in simple things around us. Yet why do we find it so hard to believe in something that unconditionally deserves all of our belief- ourselves?

Perfection.. Is it purely a mental picture, drawn by those desperate for something to believe in, or does it truly exist in everything that we know?
Savvy Doc.


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Awkwardness… we make things we’re not used to awkward. Some things may seem awkward to us but not to others, so it depends on what your “norm” is with respect to the situation. And I think that’s what keeps us from experiencing new things life.
The fear of getting judged, and the fear that someone may think that what we’re doing is “awkward”, is what causing our life to be unexciting.


Perfection… there’s nothing in life that can be defined “perfect” by everyone. We all see things differently. We have different dreams, imaginations, and expectations. And if these were fulfilled, we consider it perfection.

Classy doc

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Awkwardness I agree Classy, well said mashallah and NO savvy you can NOT copy paste it in your entry ;)

Belief, Savvy Live it.. let it last
"your belief that is"

Perfection. perfectly defined sav!
and such a Questionable question you've asked!
Will there be
"a ponderer's ANSWER"??


Anonymous said...

awkwardness- lol, out of experience i can't help but totally agree with you!
and perfection- again i ask you, does it truly exist or is it simply all in our heads??
oh.. and classy.. BELIEVE! ;)

awkardness- lol :(
belief- i wonder if you'll ever reach the depths of my vagueness hehe ;p
perfection- merci, but u didn't give me your answer!? :p

oh and a "ponderer's answers" sounds like a brilliant idea.. but.. BUT.. i think i'd rather keep my answers to myself for now.. lol sorry

Anonymous said...

then believe this sav,It is because i reached it, i commented this way
"Live it"

In both cases, perfection is mythical.
It is indeed a questionable question..
one where you don't need an answer cause you already know what you're gonna end up repeating to your self:
"Al Kamal le Allah"

something a ponderer would know, but keep to her/him self;P

Anonymous said...

lol .. :)
(mysterious smile ;P)

need i say more?

Anonymous said...

If the sky was pink would it be awkward, NO! We'd be used to it that way. That little voice inside your head is what makes us see something which could very well be normal awkward... we make things awkward, an awkward thing, moment or even emotion... we make it that way!

Believing is hard, believing in anything is almost impossible, and to ask to beleive in ones self, that seems like an impossible task...though an adventure I am willing to take!

Perfection... we all know nothing is perfect, even if we were to lower the words standards and redefine it in a humenly possible way, nothing would be!