Monday, May 14, 2007

Pink Mini iPod and the DJ

By the end, I would have mentioned a friend 12 times

A spiritual DJ.
She guides us with laughter. You can't spend two seconds with her with out being overly amused. She is also wise. Always there to bring us back to reality, find our human part when we feel all is lost.

DJ can't bare see friendships falling apart. She brings people together, and makes friends easily. The unexpected friend... Yes PMiP Sees her A million and one ways differently now, than she ever did before. Extraordinary person to be with... not to mention the extraordinary taste in music that she bestows upon us all!

My coffee maker. Not that she ever made me any or got me any every morning :P!
Thank you...


Anonymous said...

*It's ALWAYS a Pleasure to be at your service*

Anonymous said...

Seriously i have no idea who you're talking about. Can HiFi and DJ be the same person? :p

Anonymous said...

yayy i figured them out ;) come on hi-fi was eeasy i got it before i even read the post lol..

DJ on the other hand.. lol.. i would've called her "Snickers" (not so sure why, it just suits her :p)

Anonymous said...

I read it again and figured out who hi-fi was lol.."volume up" should've guessed it right away :p
..but DJ still no clue..I kinda had someone in mind till i got to the "extraordinary taste in music that she bestows upon us all" part lol. Snickers? hmm i think im gonna need one more hint.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

HAHAHAHA gahwajiyah???

and DJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!! :D this girl is AMAZING. Period. truly one of a kind. Her friendship is a blessing to all of us! :)
love you loads! never knew you had a thing for coffeee??


Anonymous said...

I'll explain the coffee thing to you later :P