Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pink Mini iPod and Innocence

By the end, I would've mentioned a friend 10 times

Innocent, yet in noway naive

Innocent, yet in noway unaware. Devoted and committed to the life she leads, and the friends she makes... Innocence is everyones friend. The neutral one, she will be faced with two diverse sides, but will never be biased. She is fair.

PMiP's first friend at uni... and totally randomly, from the day we registered! Fresh, in a culture shock, but a person willing to adjust, willing to find the good in life, born and breed a Saudi, a true patriot(:P)

The person you want to have around all the time, work or play, the company is undeniably fun and productive... Innocence's lively nature attracts everyone... There aren't many like her...

PMiP will never forget, but she will always be Man U! (After all, the one thing innocence is guilty of is Arsenal!)


Anonymous said...

She's definitely one of those people that you want to have around the whole time. She's such a delightful, sweet person that you cant help but love. I think she is and forever will be one of my favourite people in the world. I hope this doesnt sound cheesy but its truly from the heart. Trust me when i say she's one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

She's excellent!

Anonymous said...

Is this really me!!! you know when I was reading this post I kept looking behind to see if ur pointing at someone else (surprisingly) there is nobody in the room. I am really discovering myself through u lot! and ya after all you've said I dont mind converting to man u but "within limits" >>>> GO GUNNERS :p

Anonymous said...

Innocence; il mio amico

deserves every word written on this page mashallah
she is indeed:One of a kind

P.S.I always use this cheer leading phrase with her ;P

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

aaaaaaah innocence! LOVE HER! and yes goooo Man U..Christiano!! :D lol.

santiano!!!!! hahahaha.


Anonymous said...

:D...She's fabulous isn't she!!?

Anonymous said...

fabouleTH da'lin ;p