9) Expectations. They may shock you sometimes, and every once in a while they won't turn out as you imagined. But don't let that break you. Always keep in mind that things aren't always as they seem but they're that way for a reason.
8) Caution. Be careful when dealing with people- their actions and reactions may shock you. Be careful when speaking- think your words out in your head before they come out and you can't take them back. Be careful who you trust- some people's kindness can easily deceive anyone.
7) Believe. Through all the obstacles you will face, having a firm belief that this is all just a test of your faith will help you overcome it. Believe in yourself and above all, in God. "On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear." (Quran- 2/286)
6) Enthusiasm. It's everything. When you love what you're doing, are excited about accomplishing it, and are always willing to improve on it, you will thrive. That little bit of extra effort makes all the difference.
5) Consistency. You will meet many people, experience many things, and learn many lessons. Life will change you, it will help you grow and mature and gain knowledge and awareness. But no matter what you're faced with, don't let it change you for the worse. Know your principles and stick to them.
4) Prioritize. Know what you want to achieve, and work for it. Know what matters to you, and care about it. Know who's most important to you, and live for them.
3) Learn. Everything around you can teach you something new if you look at it deeply enough. Observe, explore, ponder, and learn.
2) Be Grateful. For everything and everyone in your life. You won't know what you're lucky enough to have been blessed with until it's not a part of your life anymore.
1) Spiritualize. Get closer to God and you will gain a satisfaction you never imagined possible. You will be granted an incredible inner serenity. You will be blessed with an undisturbable peace of mind. It will change your life.
Savvy Doc.
Be Grateful!!
Amen to that..
You've learnt A LOT this year (mashallah), and taught us SO MUCH... may god bless you!... THANK YOU!
vintage- yeah ok i might consider rearranging them later lol..
classy- Thank YOU! :)
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