Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Quotes" of the YEAR!

We Said It:

"Would you ever go to Hong Kong?"
"Yes! It's like the HONG.. of KONG!"

"Do you have lymph nodes?"

Loud doc is late for Micro lab, and Vintage, being her lab partner, explains how to make a Gram stain.. The slide Loud prepares ends up being empty.
Vintage: "Did you add everything? including IODINE?"
Loud :"Iodine? You didn't tell me anything about iodine!"

"alyoum youm al3arab.."

"I wanna be subleader"
"Lol, we'll need to test your capabilities first."
"Well, what would you if a doctor slapped you in the face for no reason?"
"I'd say I'm sorry."

In the copy center, waiting ..
"This is taking forever."
"Can you blame her?"
"..Okay that was a rhetorical question!"

Medical Terminology "KAU Style":
  • in Texas = intact cyst
  • kan bwiddina ngeebu = we never ask about it in the exam


iDoc said...

Thats nice... who wrote it though? Savvy or someone else?

Anonymous said...

Lol that was amusing. Hey we should do more of those medical terminology kau style. I've got a whole bunch of personal favourites

Anonymous said...

lol i wrote it, then vintage added stuff.. i forgot to mention that ur all supposed to add anything u can remember..! :D

Anonymous said...

OMG this is hilarious!!! and just so u know my slide wasn't EMPTY, it just wasn't STAINED!!!