Monday, August 4, 2008

When the Crab Came to Try and Take her Away

When I started this year, I never thought I'd get through it. Yes, I was so doubtful of my capabilities, my grades were slipping, I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be in this new life, and regardless, I pushed on because I wanted to be happy.

This year has been more than a whirlwind, for all of my family, I think my grandma said it best when she said: “Never in my life have I been grabbed by my arms and spun around the whole earth time and time again”. This is exactly what happened to us. a tragedy, no... a test, and I cannot deny but a very hard test!

I am at awe when I think how my family stood together to get through it all, yeah, I admit they weren't always there for one another, in fact some of them were naive enough to start pointing their fingers and blaming people for things that GOD makes possible, things that are never in our hands. But then sanity came back, and once more we stood together. standing by those who couldn't “stand” and buying black coffee and Lattes for those who could no longer keep their eyes open. A memory too vivid, but I am glad.

My friends, stood by me when I had no energy to stand, listened to me when I cried, they were there, and though I knew they would be, I was still amazed.

We fall, and we always will, but then we climb up again, however cleched that may seem, one step at a time. And it is so much easier for us to climb up again with people around us. Life is good, grades raise and happiness reappears. Life is truly good.


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

what can i say.. "what doesn't break us, makes us"
i'm glad it all worked out.. and Allah la ye7rimkum mn ba3a'9 ya rab..

ps. the title..!! hit a nerve!! :(
pps it was soo worth the wait! ;)


Anonymous said...

The title... I don't know what made me come up with that, it just came (hit a nerve) and made its way on to the blog...

Thanks hun... I've been making the promise far too many times, but I just needed time...

Got a few other ones up my sleeve (hopefully :P)