Friday, February 6, 2009

Seriosly there is no Better Title than "حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل "

الحمد لله على النعمة، الله يديم علينا الصحة و العافية

I was just watching a show today, on LBC, it's called "أحمر ... بالخط العريض", which means "red... in bold". This is my second time watching it and seriously, praise goes out to the inventors! Jazahum Allah 5air! They invite people on the show, who have experienced a wrong doing by a group of people, they invite those that can prove whether they were really wrong done, and they also invite someone who has actually "participated" in the wrong doing, under cover, giving them the choice at the end of the episode to show who they are, after a severe interrogation! You'll understand more...

Today's episode, I'm still crying, and I'm not being too dramatic!
Has humanity sunk that low. It was about medical malpractice. They invited four individuals who believe that they were victimized, two very successful doctors, including Dr. Malibary, the head neurologist at KAU, and a doctor who remained undercover, who just disgusted the hell out of me!

There were many stories on the show, but there are two that affected me the most.

The first story was of this Egyptian woman, who was in her ninth month of pregnancy. She isn't very rich, and people who aren't rich have to resort to polyclinics, now I'm sorry but the truth here is that we are talking about Egypt, and there aren't many hospitals that are good there (out of experience) for a random polyclinic in a poor neighborhood to be good! She went for just another check up, she wasn't experiencing any labor signs, no cramps nothing. The doctor did the check up and told her to wait in the clinic, because she was going to give birth, and he was going to do a Cesarean. She trusted him, so she agreed. When she went into the operation room, she heard the doctor tell his nurse "Didn't I tell you to clean the instruments and cover them? Oh well for the next patient", her heart stopped, she told him she didn't want to do the surgery, but he reassured her, and she had nothing to do but to go ahead. Everything is good, she now has a healthy baby girl, except that all of a sudden, a few months after the Cesarean she starts feeling this sudden pain in her stomach, she explains it: "it's as if someone poured gas inside of me and lit it on fire". She went to her doctor asked him whats wrong, he refuses to help her, she goes to other doctors, with this now hardening mass in her stomach, still they refuse to help her. Until one doctor finally agrees to help her, with the condition that she takes responsibility for whatever the outcome of the surgery is. I think you all have come to the conclusion that the original doctor forgot something inside her? and that is exactly it, he forgot a piece of cloth, , her stomach/ intestines began to stick to this piece of cloth which created huge complications. She got it removed, she didn't have money for the operation so she sold her house, and on top of that she was told that she can no longer have any more children. So, in his right mind what does her husband go and do? He divorces her, because it's the only sane thing to do to the sick mother of your children (you son of a B...). So now, she's sick, with two children, all alone, no father, no siblings, a burden on her family, and there is no one to help her! When the health department decided to help her, they went to the clinic, and said that it was an unhealthy place for any major surgeries to occur, there was out-of-date anesthesia being used! So, it was so wonderful to hear that they put the clinic out of busines... for a month! yes, a month, during which the doctor who originally operated was practicing medicine in a nearby clinic...

I suppose the only really good thing about this was that, when the presenter asked her what was her dream, she said she wanted to visit Mekkah and go to the kabba. Al7amdullillah, an anonymous Saudi , donated 11000 Egyptian pounds as well as a trip to Saudi Arabia to do omra.

Bare with me because the next story will make you... I don't know!
So, the undercover doctor. Three cases of medical malpractice. Ignored, in fact manipulated by his chief, so that they are not filed. The case were all the same idea, accidentally pierced an artery, patient dies, unsterilized room and instruments, patient dies, little girl with anyurism, stressed her before the surgery, didn't wait for her mother to come... patient dies. Do you know what he told the families, "Shu badna na3mul, Allah beyreed" .... WTF! Yeah Allah wrote that they will die but you A-O, you had the choice, Zay ma Allah beyreed Allah i36ak 7urriyit i5tiyar Al6areeg al9a7ee7.... and he has no remorse, in fact he was laughing when he was telling the stories... LAUGHING!!! I am so glad he didn't uncover his identity, because if he did I would have made it my personal ambition to kill that bastard! And he has the nerve to say that he is a good doctor with a great resume! Can you even fathom that!!? I swear to god, i am getting goosebumps at the thought that he doesn't realize what he has done... Mistakes happen, but you admit to them you fess up, you don't pretend that everything is okay, you don't manipulate the truth. You take responsibility! The stories where so unbelievable, that the doctors on the show couldn't believe him, Dr. Malibary said it seemed like the stories where fabricated, out of how unbelievable they were!

As the presenter was asking the anonymous doctor whether he wanted to reveal himself or not (which of course he didn't) the Egyptian lady, whose name is Hind Nawwf, passed out on the floor. I couldn't find anything to say what happened afterward, if she's okay or not, I hope she is. I pray innu rabbana yishfeeha wi yirfa3 3annaha wi ye3alli maratibha. Yarab teshoof awladaha yikbaru wi yi9eeru ash6ar wi a7asan awlad fil 3alam! Allah yirzugha min3indu wa7id ibin 7alal yintabih 3alaiha, wi yisa3idha ya rab!

Wi Allah la yiktub 3alaina, that we make any mistakes in our careers or that any mistake happens to our loved ones!


1 comment:

Abdullah AlSayed-AlHashem said...

many malpractice indeed ,,
I totally agree
NB : using pink on black caused eye strain for me ,,

thanks for your post