Friday, September 11, 2009

Two Words.

It's the little things that matter, and it's the little things that usually go unnoticed.  

This is a Thank You..  

To those who have made a difference in our lives.

To those whose presence gives us faith that there is still some good in the world.

To those whose kindness constantly inspires us to become better people.

To those whom we sincerely cherish in our hearts.

For being there, for being you..  I am forever in your debt.

Thank You.

Savvy Doc.


chrisfromneenah said...

Yes thank you all. I couldn't do things without the help of others around me encouraging me. Thanks for writing this down. I will have to post it to my friends. I am so glad of my support I get at the social network I belong to at I just want to say thanks to KevinRockReiss and Scott Messagemaster Scribe. You both have been an inspiration. This blog is a blessing. thanks to you.

X said...
