Monday, February 19, 2007

Medicine….why not?!

Some people think that I must be out of my mind for giving up all the good things in life and spending all my time and energy learning facts for 6+ years.
After spending a few years in medicine I can see where that is coming from, it really is very stressful, challenging, and overwhelming!!

Its funny how before and during every exam, I start thinking that medicine isn’t really for me, and I consider transferring to something less tiring to have a better quality of life, yet after the exams are over, and the results turn out to be surprisingly better than what I’ve expected them to be( thank God..), I change my mind, and I get the feeling that this is the place where I am meant to be.

We must keep in mind that there are ups and downs to everything we may encounter in life, whether it’s professional or personal.
I’ve come to believe that everything in life requires hard work, and if we want to succeed and thrive in anything from medicine to carpentry we must work exceptionally hard and do our best, knowing that we will always be rewarded and contented (in this life or in the hereafter) for the amount of effort we put in achieving things and in helping or serving others.
And since medicine requires tremendous amount of effort, the reward is gonna be (insha’allah) great, and worth every bit of suffering.
So medicine isn’t a bad choice after all…

May Allah guide us all to the right path, and make this career what takes us to heaven.
(Life is God's gift to you......what you do with your life is your gift to God).

classy doc


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I'm loving the optimism ;) see i told you i'd eventually rub off on you ;p

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

truly thank GOD!!
We are so lucky to be able to take these steps forward in life, it such a huge thing, that we have been blessed with *cheeze...but true!*

Lestd all turn into glue :P!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Okay you guys i think we need to stop talking about medicine or do it indirectly atleast (baby steps lol) maybe talk about grey's anatomy or nip/tuck then gradually progress from there


G said...

LoL nice comments! Been there, said that.. I always thought I was leaving med school the night of an exam, and then change my mind when the results r out.. I guess that's normal.. What's ABnormal, is me concidering other careers now that I'm an intern! go figure..