Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I. On Betrayal.

It brings tears to my eyes. It really does, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Don't get me wrong, the fact that human beings can have the heart to stoop so low and betray someone does not surprise me or get to me in any away whatsoever; it's more the fact that I've been through enough in my life to EXPECT it from anyone that I hand the least bit of trust to, yet this hasn't stopped me from trusting the wrong people, or even avoiding the blow when I see it coming (it amazingly hits me equally as hard each time.) And the thing is, I AM cautious when I come to make friends; I keep my distance and try to understand who I'm dealing with before I give in, and even when I do give in there's always a line that I can never cross (yes, I'm a girl with trust issues.) I think that's the real tear trigger- knowing that being any less trustworthy or any more selective when making friends would cause me to reach mental insecurity, and that basically there's no running away from people who are just cruel by nature. Sometimes I blame it on my inner belief that no matter how much evil comes out of someone, there's still always some good in there. Sometimes, I just consider myself blind to all the bad that's there.
Savvy Doc.


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Trust takes forever to build and only requires seconds to be demolished!

"Et tu, Brute?"


Taqo said...

A rude awakening, eh? :)

Hopeless Poet said...

First time for me here and while reading I have the show "Scrubs" in my mind :P

I am not good in making friends or let's say initiating the process! It has to be through a mutual friend or the other person approaching me! That is for real life friends .. for online it is different story :P
But in general I don't fully trust anyone! Don't put all your secrets in one basket :D

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I guess what I think is trust comes naturally at first but once you're stabbed or betrayed it makes us more cautious (developing intimacy and trust issues). You build some kind of a wall to keep yourself safe from a future blow. But hey, that's just the way it is. Some people who you thought are your friends turn out to be 2 faced, backstabbing hypocrites while others surprise you by being one of those trustworthy, loyal people and in short good friend. Life's a bitch and i believe it either makes you or breaks you. Simply put if you end up building a brick wall to keep the bad things out you'll never be able to let the good things in, right?

taqo: very much so

hopeless poet: I agree with you. I think our expectations alter our perception. Dont be so quick to trust people nor expect much of them.

Glam Doc

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

iDOC- What goes around I PROMISE you comes back :)

taqo- "rude" is an understatement ;)

hopeless poet- It's always wiser to be cautious of course, but even the cautious are prone to betrayal.

Glam- lol for me, trust doesn't really come naturally (hence the trust issues.) I actually tend to trust what my conscience tells me about people. And about that wall, I guess you just have to figure out how high up you should build it with every person that you're dealing with.


eshda3wa said...

thats life
sh*T happenes
i never trust anyone, my friends are the friend i had since forever, they are the ONLY ppl i open up to, my new friends, i love em, i just choose to keep wats private, private, that way theres no room for disappointments

Aeval said...

Even those who you befriend since childhood can just as easily (as a person you have met for 5 minutes) turn around and stab you in the back. I am not saying you should trust a 5 minute acquaintance though. Psychological issues are always all in your head.

Trust or no trust, just take things easy, believe that God is with you, and accept any one who comes your way.

Dont be shocked if someone betrayed you, its their damn problem.. They are the ones who are losing in the end.

Caution is a must.
Privacy must be respected. (Whether your own or others).
Keep those special ones close.
Be easy to forgive.
But take your time in forgetting.
Keep an open mind.
Dont think with your heart.

This could go on..... and on... and on ....

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

eshda3wa- privacy is definitely a must, but we must also keep in mind that there is always room for disappointment..when it comes to betrayal, it's just something you can't control or predict or avoid.. You just have to learn how to deal with it..

aeval- :)
