Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Seven (lesson 2)

By the end of this entry I would have mentioned the seven things, and their opposites, that make my life a contradiction.

I call myself Humble, but I pride my achievements.

I enjoy the happiness of others, but I'm envious of it.

My possessions are few, yet I have too much and I greed for more.

I take what I need, but I indulge in what I don't

I wait, but inexorably I am angry at the world.

I am diligent, yet there is never an outcome, my laziness always succumbs.

I am chastised, yet I lust for the good in life, in the world, in people.

I feel I'm losing faith, in everything.

"My life is but a series of unfortunate decisions"...learn from it.



eshda3wa said...

i could have written the exact same thing about myself
i feel u

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

And never the less, we still always have to believe that every cloud has a silver lining,and though today may seem like sh! the end of the day, it has a wild way of putting everything back into perspective!

It's all good...we'll survive.

Bassem said...

Hello all :D

OK so i've read all of your posts and I'm really too lazy to comment on everyone so this a somewhat general response..

First let me say enno you obvioulsy are a diverse group of friends each with her unique personailty which shines through the words... that's really something
one of the most important things you'll need in this college and in life is your support network of close friends... allah ye5alekom leb3ad wo inshallah you awlays remain friends

Regarding the 2nd year... please try to enjoy it as much as you can.. this was one of the best years of my life :) and the 3rd year is really annoying and might feel too much so squeeze all the fun of this year
study hard but not too hard ;) it's an easy task to get As and Bs this year i believe
i'd love to offer my advice and stuff but you clearly have enough medcial professionals among you and your families that my words wouldn't matter much lol

and true this year you feel you've started to study proper medicine but you still haven't.. the clinical years are the best thing ever and will make all the 3 years before them worthwile the minute you interact with a patient or do something kiind and he says something nice to you :)

i didn't sleep well for 2 days and had my surgery exam today so you'd have to excuse me ;)

Nice place you've got here... if you need anything please freel free to contact me and i'll do what i can to help

btw, my cousin is a 2nd year med student too with u :P she and I are completely different persons .. try to figure her out :P

ps. i think each of you should register an account with her name and then all of you become team members of this blog so each can post here with her distinctive name rather than all of you using one account and signing your necknames after your comments and posts if u know what i mean

Take care and have fun :) The best is yet to come

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Thank you Bassem!
I can't wait for the clinical years, inshallah!
Aren't you on Facebook :P...We'll consider opening an accont for each person...kind of makes more sense :P we'll see!


Bassem said...

well i just wrote a comment but it got lost :S

yes i'm on facebook.. kafashteny :P buy my page's link is on my blog ;)

clinical years are amazing.. depending on what you make of them

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

:)...yeah I saw that after I commented! You're a firend of a friend...So now you you know I am on facebook...let's see if you can tekfashni :P!
My brother (my favoritest person on this whole entire world) is in 5th, and he tells me everyday that when 2nd yr or inshallah 3rd year gets to you, i should remember that yr 4 and up will make up for whatever it was that happened in the previous yrs, as everything will come into perspective, become real...Inshallah :D


Bassem said...

lol first of all... on what basis would i search for u.. i didn't see an iDOC account there.. and second, it's not like my friend's circle is smalle enough so that i could spend time looking around.. finally and most importantly.. i don't look for others :P i'm easy to be found if anyone wants to lol

and it's nice you think that of your brother.. i do the same with my sis and lil bro.. you should always do that allah ye5laekom leb3ad :) he seems wise lol

G said...

Veeeeery nice blog u girls.. keep it up.. I started one with my friends and apparently they're too lazy to blog anymore!
As Bassem said, when year 4 strikes, it's a totally different world, ur gonna love it (I'm sure I did.).. And if u need any help whatsoever, drop me a line, I'm a lil brainy (not nerdy like Bassem :P)

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Bassem: says the one who wants us to figure his cousin out of a class of 159!

JEWEL: thanx..I know what you mean, we've been having to push the writers to grace us with thier blogs *you know who you are*...:D