Listening to: Until the End by: breaking Benjamin
Mood: Optimistic but Realistic!!
Medicine; The art of healing!!
Given by God, practiced by humans through a series of scientific trails and DRAMA!!, Challenging, overpowering and deranging. Such an amazing science, illustrating the physiological and pathological
*Ayayayyay* inspired by super Mario;P
13, the age of RAGE!!, when I was getting in shape * internally and externally*, having many ideas going through my head, life, future , thoughts of demolishing my acne, or how on earth will I figure out the size of my bra and will my nose survive puberty!
With all of those superficial ideas, E! Based knowledge, and typical hormonal changes, I knew I was gifted; *you know it’s not that easy nowadays*;P
I’ve always wanted to hold a hand in need, to be a part of a bigger thing… to HELP!!
To feel ...ALIVE!
I first wanted to become an English Professor ,*people can use some help in English!* It wasn’t till a couple more years and I considered directing As a Full-time job *Hey our Cinema is DEAD*, from that to A Fashion designer *ahhh Vera Wang* To a Model *I’ve got a figure*, to a Hollywood stylist *I just had to be in Hollywood in the end ;P
Finally that one special day, I was watching TV and BOOM! It happened; right there.. I knew what I should consider,what i should apply to.
After “Polishing” my intentions, I finally found where I need to be..To work using a well of power not the power of well,
what did I watch? Well, it wasn’t ER, nor some “interesting” medical documentary or even Grey’s anatomy! Wait I didn’t know savvy back then, so no Grey’s for certain ;P
It was simply a report done on an Australian female doctor who traveled to
Out breaking achievement!!!
From that I knew that the sky is my limit... also collages in KAAU ;P lol
There are many examples and PATCH ADAMESes who have touched our lives, but in the end I'm my Role Model..
To me, Medicine is my passport! my ticket to helping others, to find fulfillment, to feel human and be a better person.
I’ve screwed up a few exams, made a couple of mistakes or so,
Am I proud of what I did!! Absolutely NOT,
AM I proud of my self! Of course and without a doubt I AM!
On Moving on:“In medicine, it’s you either pass or succeed”, I believe in that in many ways, now that I know what it takes to succeed!!
On falling apart: “Shit happens then you die”
Dearest colleagues, let’s fasten our seat belts for a 6 year roller costar ride, one in which we are free, wild and occasionally nauseous. ;)
Vintage Doc.
P.S. bout the nickname, Guru is changed to Vintage ; P
He he he...dude you make me crack up so badly!!
I need a vintage doc all the time to amuse me!!
Wait a minute!! is that why i was brought here!! for AMUSEMENT!!
oh well as long as it's:
a triumphant amusement!! i mean
atriumphantamusement blahaahha!!
Vintage Doc.
hmm rollercoaster ride?? save me a seat! LOL :P (inside joke people- i'm not that lame)
Vintage Doc!!! (i almost said ur name btw! :P the article soooo u!) hehehe.
N let's get this straight...the words "TV" and "BOOM" are NEVER mentioned in the same sentence! :P hehehe.
LOVING ur enthusiasm mashallah! :) X
Perky Doc.
Its O.K to dream of being a model when ur 13 and u can live the dream for a couple of years afterwards. But the problem is wanting to be a model 2 years into Medicine!!! thats what I am facing now!!!
Sporty Doc.
* inspiring * is the word that comes to my head! beautifully said!!!!!! wish u all the best :>
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