Monday, February 26, 2007

Pink Mini i-POD and Peaches

By the end of this entry, I would have mentioned a friend 12 times

I'm contemplating studying, but I have a mental block. I'm trying to understand the reason behind it, I guess it's my dependency on certain people who exist in my life, their presence makes me want to be a better person, then they're gone I feel a little…empty. I have a fear that this reliance will change soon, when my habitat changes…I will depend on something/someone else who just isn't there. It'll ware off.

I love Peaches, And pink mini i-Pod and Peaches are the greatest combination. Together they serve as pillars for one another, supporting all the senses, making them melodically in tune. Peaches is sweet, and soothing when pink mini i-pod is bitching, pink mini i-pod plays the music that Peaches requires to feel better, to laugh, to cry. Peaches knows how to make you feel great, and never hurts you…something to do with all the vitamins. Though Peaches is hard on the inside, she truly is soft, but not weak, Peaches is strong…

People have their "person", the one being that you'd confined in, the one person you can joke with and neither one would get offended, and the one person you'd want to "know first" (if you get my drift!), Peaches is that to Pink mini i-pod. Pink mini i-pod hopes it'll always stay that way, because she loves Peaches so much.



A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I only saw 11 peaches (if you counted 'someone' too). where's the 12th? and will we KNOW who peaches is? :)
btw, LOVE the way u wrote it. it's so imaginatively sweet and flowy :)

Perky Doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

By the end of this comment, i would have mensioned " 20 times -including the title- ;P

Dear i-doctor,
*an atempt of making your nickname un"COOL" *
i'd like to share with you A quote i admire and soo belive in, it's by a very close person:
"Friends are there to make you DO better, FEEL better and ACT better"~ L.K
If you don't they are not..

i loved this part:
"People have their "person", the one being that you'd confined in, the one person you can joke with and neither one would get offended, and the one person you'd want to "know first" "~ I DOC

i liked your faithful sensibility for "materials" ;)
yoU aRe an "exception" mashallah never loose "it"!!
and peaches.....Uhhh they're are delicious!!....i guess!! ;P

"Vino" doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

The "Bold" is the person I am talking i counted "she" too! (it was cheating to have more than 12 to add "someone" and "she" :P)

You will know who peaches is, and as I finish the "Series" it will become clearer to you who's who...yes perky I will be writting about each and everyone of technically I have narrowed it down!

Vintage...don't steal my thing...:P
Thank you :D


eshda3wa said...

thats the spirit
get urself a gaol and acheive it

so yay to u

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Peaches Peaches Peaches!!!
I doubted who Peaches was for a second! but after re- reading a few lines of your truthful blog!!

Who can doubt the scent of PEACH!!
especially in the olfactory of the beholder! *Warning medical joke! may cause irritation or Humorous disturbance* ;P

Mashallah, very well-written in terms of TRUE friendship ..
As always.. the iDOC way!

"Vino" doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

omg, how cud i have NOT known who Peaches is? Yeah i know now :) I'll tell you tomorrow. lol.

P.S. I want one! :P (a poem, not a peach :P)

xxx, perky.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Today, tomorrow, or months from now,

You will discover the why and how,

You've all become my closest friends,

I'll write one for all of you,

That is what I had in is what I intend!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I love the metaphor! and whoever she or he is. I actually only figured that out after readig all the comments!!! it's realy smart u should be the "A-Doc", "i" is lower down the alphabet!!

sporty Doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

aaaaaah! i read it! LOVE IT! :D can't wait to hear the actual poem lol!
you've become one of my closest friends this year iDOC. I really am gonna miss you.

Love you! perky.