Friday, February 23, 2007

Think. Think. Think.

I am feared, yet I am loved.
I am desired, yet I am unwanted.
I am needed, yet I am avoided.
I can cause irreparable damage and eternal joy.
I am the source of a child's smile and a lover's tears.
I have lasted the longest lifetimes, but with age I inevitably come to an abrupt end.
I can be your worst nightmare or your most noble decision.

Destroy me for your own good. Destroy me and drown in solitude.
Take good care of me and I may still let you down. Neglect me but I will never fade away.
Belief is but an infatuation; fate is my ultimate determinant.
Elimination is never absolute; change will always coincide.
Every end is a new beginning.

What am I?
Savvy Doc.
(No, the answer is NOT "Savvy Doc" :P)


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

mmmm...who am I?
A friend?
Did you come up with that?


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

yeah I did, it's a riddle.. try to figure it out ;)

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

btw...hun...I'm not that stupid! I KNOW its a riddle, and I guessed a friend!
But i am usually bad with riddles, so!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

lol a friend is incorrect.. keep thinking!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Is it "LIFE"???? if not, give us more hints........
Classy Doc

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

nope, it's not life.. and it's too early for a hint.. keep thinking!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

I have many guesses...
Okay, so in uni I said said I'm guessing it could be Ice Cream?

If it isn't I'm thinking, either the brain or the heart, but i am leaning more towards the heart because "every end is a new begining" know systole/diastole!!

Am I correct?


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

lol your guesses are interesting but no none of them are right.. i'll give you one piece of advice (it's not a hint though, so don't let it throw you off).. think OUTSIDE the box.. think of it.. it's something that can be this or that, that or this.. if you're focused on medically-related things, shift your thinking away from that and vice versa.. come on you know it just thinkk!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

HERE's My guesses!
1) Medicine
2) Honesty, Truth
3)the personality,character
am i even close!!!
Vin Doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

i hate to say it but no, none are right.. and i can't even say you're close lol.. FINE.. one hint.. or semi-hint:
one of the hints that begin with "I..." is deceiving if you don't BROADEN your horizons and change the way you look at it! (don't ask which one..i've said too much..)


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Excuse me then, i need to Think.Think.Think!!
Vin Doc.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

CLASSY FIGURED IT OUT :D yayy someone got it.. but i'm not revealing the answer until more people start THINKING! and no more hints.. i'm considering to wait until 3 people get it before i give out the answer... :p


A Triumphant Pursuit said... weren'tmenttodo that, we were supposed to pretend it never happened!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

oh wallah? but no whyy i wanted people to start THINKING and if she had posted the answer everyone would've just known it, i can't make it that easy lol.. btw VINTAGE guessed it as well ;)


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

That's Right VINTAGE figured it out Ha


Aeval said...

Could it be addiction?

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

no that's not it.. keep thinking you can figure it out ;)
