By the end of this entry I would have said the word "love" (or another form of it) 32 times
It's my ever-lasting debate, a dilemma. What should I make my priority in life? It's easy for anyone to say "your family" or "your education" but when you experience the vices and virtues of both, when you love both ever so much, maybe then you'll realize how hard the decision is to make. n
University. It's a dream come true, it's one of the things I hold so dear to my heart, and top it off, the ability to enroll in such a prestigious faculty and study something I have always been fascinated with, the human body. I can't even comprehend how lucky I am to be able to study something I love so much. People say you can study it in so many different faculties, but this is different. I was once speaking to a friend, they asked me why I really wanted medicine, my answer…I'll keep that for later. n
Pause for a second and ask yourself, what is love? Is it merely a feeling, or is a physical change occurring in ones body? To me it is both. Love is a feeling, something that I hope everyone gets a chance to feel however beautiful, or painful it may be, losing it hurts, but gaining it fills you with an unbelievable energy. Love is a physical change, physiologically speaking, hormonal. Someone once told me "To be in love is not being able to go to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams", and though I believe that, I still have my occasional doubts. n
Love is beautiful. To love your family, your job, to love a particular drink or even to love the color of the new shirt you bought. Love, it takes over you, you feel it because it touches you, your skin, your heart, your whole being. It takes over you. n
Love is painful. To lose a loved one, to hurt a loved one, or to be hurt by a loved one. Love is scary. To fall in love with someone, to feel like your very being is because of them, it's scary. The concept of living them, breathing them, sacrificing for them. What if you are faced with such an important decision in your life, two things you love, but you know that later in life, however hard you work to make them both work out for the better, one of them will have more priority to you than the other. You know the outcome won't be good. But you have to choose. What do you do? Give up on one to keep the other, . "I told you so" hurts. n
Many sacrifices have been made, but never the less the feeling still remains. Why do I want medicine… to help people, I want to help those who can't help themselves. You can say that that’s so clichéd, but it's the truth. many of the student around me, and some of the best ones too, are in med-school for the money, for the prestige, for their families wishes. I want medicine to help people, I love to help people, I don’t care if it won't even make me any money what so ever, for as long as I can help. Maybe I'm dreaming too big, but that's what I want. But what is help, if you cant help yourself. If you can't help your family, the people that you love the most. b
I am always told this. Make your priorities clear, to you, for you. It's hard though. Right now, I can't even differentiate between which t-shirt looks better the orange or the pink (somehow always ending up wearing pink :P) . I am far from a selfish person. One can make promises all day long, but none are for sure. You don't know that in 2 days time you're going to be able to bake the cake you promised for your son's tenth birthday, you don't know if your going to be able to make your car-pooling turn, you don't know if you will be able to make your family your number one priority all your life in 5 years time, when you are at the height of your career. I've seen people who have done that, gave their all to their families, and ended up broken hearted, stuck in a relationship that they don't want, can't love and aren't loved, and they are in too deep to break away. I've also seen those who ignored their families and ended up alone, bitter over love lost and aren't loved. I've also come across the few people who were able to keep both things, but whatever they say, they still know that one thing is taking up more of their time. Is there anyway of making a balance. Yin Yang. Is that even a true concept? c
Can people balance their love for two things or is it always a balance between two opposites, black and white? I feel unfaithful, and I hate that feeling. I know this isn't supposed to be about me, but I can't help but wonder how I'll feel in a few years from now, I can't help but think of what will become of me. Is it right to choose love? I chose to love, I chose love, but love is somehow not uncovering it self just as the "splendid thing" that it truly is, and I am blessed to have, because love…is also, a many horrific thing. b
And now you can kill me...because this post wasn't long at all!
The 2nd principle of economics:
"The cost of something is what you give up to get it".
No matter what, in life, you will always face situations in which you will have to face tradeoffs.
"Is there anyway of making a balance. Yin Yang. Is that even a true concept?"
In my point of view, this concept is true. However, you have to look at it from a different perspective.
You cannot give two 'priorities' equal amounts of importance.
For example (real life): I am taking both history and math this term; they are both equally important for my grades, my guaranteed graduation and my future. I have two midterms scheduled on the same day for both of these subjects. I cannot study equal amounts of time; nevertheless, because I am better in history than I am in math, I will know how to be able to balance my time accordingly.
Another example is taxes, you cannot force the same amount of taxes on all members of a society, for they all have different incomes. So, the government will increase the taxes for the rich, and decrease them for the poor. That is not balancing in the sense of equality; however, it is balance in a broader sense.
In order to balance two or more things, you have to be able to look at all of the aspects surrounding it.
This applies to religion, love (family, friends, lovers (long distance relationships, jealousy, etc…), education, work and life in general.
Lastly, I believe, and something that has worked for me, the most important aspect that will balance your whole life, is firstly your devotion to Allah and secondly Time Management.
Sorry for this long post.
p.s. check out
I know what you mean. This is the way that my life has been lead for many years, I am able to prioratse...but seriously how can one be able to know what they are better at in a situation like the one I am talking about...this doesn't mean that i won't stop trying, I can't do that to myself, I'm not one to give up!
Thanx for the reply :D!
hmm.. I'm not one to ask about love, but here's my theory..
If you want to balance, it's just a matter of working it all out in your head and then doing it. Just LIVE. Stop worrying that you won't be able to balance. Stop fearing the outcome of your actions. Do your best, and inshallah it'll all work out for the best.
And always remember- NO one has it all. It's just the way this world works. So we should learn to accept what we are given, and work for what we want. That way we'll hopefully be granted peace of mind, knowing that we did what's within our scope to "get" it all, despite knowing all along that NO one has it all.
Never stop trying!!
Do your best!
Don't Worry!
get me back to REALITY!!!
so easy to talk, so uneasy to act..
wait a minute is that LIFE!!!
I-doc, i think you need to look at your LIFE, not your surroundings, for they are only a PART of it!!
Look Deep, it's your choices not priorities
Thank you...
Savvy- Being the "agony aunt" to so many people over the las million years would make me capable of saying the same thing to anyone if they had cometo me for advice...without me myself experiencing whatever it is they areasking about! I truly is easy to say "DO" but will you actully "Do it" that's what deffrentiates...I'll try, I'll calculate every move and every step...because when there is someone in yourlife you must make sure that when you choose to do something you're choosing for both of yes do not fear but do be aware of the possible not worry...Impossible :P
Vintage- You made me cry...I know my emotions take the best of me!
Easier said than done, right, maybe, probably.. but once you remove the mental block that negative thinking causes, you'll be a step closer to making it much easier on yourself.. and true, the only person in this world who really knows what you're going through is YOURSELF- that applies to everything, but the basics never change.. your subconcsious does and will always affect the outcome of your actions, so just try your hardest not to worry.. put your faith in Allah and just do what you can with what you have.. Again, i repeat, easier said than done, i KNOW, but it's yoour bad if you live by that and let it get in the way..
So yes Vintage i'll say it again.. just do your best.. just LIVE!
Live and let live...
Vintage that's pretty deep stuff.
iDOC, it's tough, noone said it wasn't. I LOVE what you said about Love making you not being able to sleep cuz for once, reality is far better than dreaming! Makes me wanna swallow a jar full of butterflies! hehehe. (Ending up in my stomach ;) )
I truly wish you the best in your future inshallah. May Allah be our guidance through thick and thin.
Sunny. (perky)
Thank you perky...I have an idea of a poem in my head! You inspired me when you said the not only do you want a rose you want to feel butterflies in your tummy :P It was so cute :D
I know no one said it's easy, what I am writing here, rather, why I am writting here, is to get things off my chest that i'd otherwise won't be able to fully express my self about...burdon you with my troubles to educate and in-turn be educated!
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