Recently, I've been going through a strange phase. I still don't know what triggered it, or what caused me to think deeply of it. All I can remember is the beginning of a search for something that would help me overcome that "phase" in one piece and as a better person. I won't bore you with the details, but here's a bit of what I came out with so far..
A friend told me to give our friendship "time"- to grow, to evolve, to reveal its true meaning. And deep down, I knew I was more than willing to give it all the time it needs, but nonetheless, I still find it amazing how we always seem to think that we have all the time in the world, when in reality it's only running out by the second. Coming to such a realization kind of makes you not want to fall asleep, in fear of losing anymore time; it urges you to use your time wisely, as it is all you have to make something of yourself and of your life; it terrifies you, because no one knows when their time will be up. So yes, give things time, but don't wait too long. Learn when to let go, balance your life out, find a higher purpose and a deeper meaning. Stop living on the surface. Instead, be ready to dive down to reach your true potential.
I asked myself a question. I asked myself if I was the person I've always dreamed of being, and I was surprised to find that a long list of questions came along with it. I could only help but ask myself why.. Why do we spend so much energy living a life that we're not completely satisfied with? Why are we frequently in the dark as to what direction we want our lives to take? I know that a huge catch to being a part of this world is accepting the "unknown" and the fact that sometimes, no matter how hard you look you may never find what you are searching for. Or that sometimes, no matter how hard you try you will not fulfill that goal or satisfy that temptation. Or that sometimes, life can surprise you in ways you never imagined possible. But all of that shouldn't stop you from making the most out of your time here. It's up to you to make it work, and it's up to you to accept the fact that life will run its course despite your actions and desires.
In the end, it all comes down to what you're doing with your life, from the goals you're trying to achieve, to the people you're trying to become, and the key is to be honest with yourself. A friend's words have lingered in me from the day she spoke them.. "This (medicine) is the one thing I'm doing with my life, so I might as well do it right." Okay, maybe some people do have more to their life than simply their studies/career, but the difference between those who succeed and those who are just "average" is the key to recognizing these priorities. Because only when you pinpoint those things that mean something to will you be able to put your effort into making them all work. Only when you know where to focus your time and effort will you thrive.
All in all, I think that sometimes you're lucky enough to go through certain experiences that cause you to pause and take a deep look at your life. And when you get that urge to dwell on the person you have become, it's up to you to learn something from it. As people, we tend to complicate things. We exagerrate the unimportant, we dwell on the irrelevant. So determine those things that truly matter to you, start caring about them enough to reach your potential, and you'll find that they will all fall into place. Beginning now, have faith that it'll all work out, that everything happens for a reason, and that you are the one person who can make your journey of life worthwhile. Make something EXTRAORDINARY out of your life. You know it's possible.
Savvy Doc.
Savvy ur' my life coach!!
lool yeah ok with pleasure Sporty ;)
Life is like mold it the way you want!
Oh so we are commenting on "LIFE" instead of Savy's post,
What a relief!
*my trilogy*
I admire your writing, it's Extraordinary!! It makes me THINK!!
You should start writing books, I'm sure you'll make it to the top of the best selling book lists…
I feel myself stuck in a vortex of nothingness.. My life has become something of an empty routine..
At least that is what my mind kept on thinking up until...
I read Paolo Coelho's book: "Like the Flowing River", and after reading your post savvy, i realized that all of this talk of an "empty" life, is just "empty" talk.
I had stopped looking at, and appreciating, the smaller things in life.
Suddenly, brushing my teeth in the morning was not part of a routine; it was part of my daily cleansing ritual. I focused on the fresh feeling i get when i breathe in lots of air after I'm done.
Suddenly driving to uni is not a drag. Its my own private karaoke therapy, with a blasting radio
and my screeching voice.
Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly. I believe life is made out of "suddenlies". If you experience life with "all of a sudden" moments, then you are truly experiencing it.
No matter what action you are performing, at whatever time of day. Even if its studying for your hardest test, or washing the damn dishes. Turn in into a suddenly moment.
I know this may not be right on the topic of your post savvy, but its something i felt like contributing. :)
*SAVE in my
"Admired lessons of life" folder*
Vintage Doc.
P.S, yes savvy don't worry your
COPY RIGHTS are reserved,;P
Vintage Doc..
Classy- aaww thank you :)
aeval- now i want to read that book more than ever lol
Vintage- aaaww im IN YOUR "folder"! hmm i wonder what else is in there.. :P
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