Mood: Total random state of mind
Listening to: Cinema by:Serart *;)IDOC*
am on PAUSE and i like it....
I Won't Rewind ,or Forward
I might PLAY, go back to PAUSE later but hey
I'll never STOP!!
I Won't Rewind ,or Forward
I might PLAY, go back to PAUSE later but hey
I'll never STOP!!
Dear Diary,
It's been so long since the last time i wrote to you/in you!!.It's just so awkward how days are passing by like hours,I mean i don't feel Sundays, i barely survive Fridays and months.. .
Months are the calender papers you tear off each day,today is April yesterday was march and tomorrow is going to be warm sunny MAY. Sure that's time and this is life which by the way will end soon!!,
why so soon! I'll tell you as soon as i know the difference between soon,later and NOW!,,Hopefully before it's too late ;P
Ironic isn't it!!
Denying.. I Hate it
Sleeping.. I'm starting to
Caffeine.. IN NEED
Screaming.. wanna join?
Sleeping.. I'm starting to
Caffeine.. IN NEED
Screaming.. wanna join?
Be aware, be afraid , for the world is not the one we see
but what we don't
& sadly "you" don't feel it!!
it really is totally random lol .. but i loved it.
and what you said about how life's gonna end so soon .. so true .. and when it ends you wouldn't want to think that it ended too soon so sieze the day .. :D
hmm.. i didn't know you have a diary ;P
(random comment for a random blog)
(she's baaaaaack!) :P
yes indeed: SEIZE THE DAY!!
Thank you for stressing on the "randomness" of the post ;P
and BTW every none,the "total randomness" isn't so RANDOM if you know what i mean!
Vintage doc..
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