Mood: Deeply Concerned
Listening to: ---
Every now and then, when am sitting by my self, enjoying the company of my random thoughts , a worrying fact faces me, leaving me wonder bout my existence.I wonder if I’ll live long enough to fulfill the life am supposed to live. a life dedicated to the reason of my being.
To God..
There’s a saying that explains the human life in a metaphorically meditative way:
"Humans life, is that period between the Athan and Iqama of a prayer ,and the prayer it self. "
This saying is based on what our religion guided us to do with our newly born infants;to say the Athan in one ear ,and the Iqama in the other.As for the prayer, it is that we pray at the time of this humans death. that one without Athan nor Iqama.
Can you believe it???that our life is this time in between? ??
Our life is a matter of seconds???
How ironically truthful..
We are God’s creation on earth. Made from mud and brought to life by his holly spirit.
How blissful, inspiring, enchanting….. no words can ever describe how perfectly established we are.Gifted by the endlessly giving God.Left with nothing to do but dedicate our mind,body and soul to our merciful creator..
Well, certainly NOT by becoming nuns, but by following what our prophet advised us;investing our good intentions in all of our actions by doing everything that pleases God and staying as far as possible from what upsets him.
May we never forget that: life is a matter of seconds..
A few seconds..
Listening to: ---
Every now and then, when am sitting by my self, enjoying the company of my random thoughts , a worrying fact faces me, leaving me wonder bout my existence.I wonder if I’ll live long enough to fulfill the life am supposed to live. a life dedicated to the reason of my being.
To God..
There’s a saying that explains the human life in a metaphorically meditative way:
"Humans life, is that period between the Athan and Iqama of a prayer ,and the prayer it self. "
This saying is based on what our religion guided us to do with our newly born infants;to say the Athan in one ear ,and the Iqama in the other.As for the prayer, it is that we pray at the time of this humans death. that one without Athan nor Iqama.
Can you believe it???that our life is this time in between? ??
Our life is a matter of seconds???
How ironically truthful..
We are God’s creation on earth. Made from mud and brought to life by his holly spirit.
How blissful, inspiring, enchanting….. no words can ever describe how perfectly established we are.Gifted by the endlessly giving God.Left with nothing to do but dedicate our mind,body and soul to our merciful creator..
Well, certainly NOT by becoming nuns, but by following what our prophet advised us;investing our good intentions in all of our actions by doing everything that pleases God and staying as far as possible from what upsets him.
May we never forget that: life is a matter of seconds..
A few seconds..
"Well, certainly NOT by becoming nuns, but by following what our prophet advised us;investing our good intentions in all of our actions by doing everything that pleases God and staying as far as possible from what upsets him."
Exactly ;) I always say that the best way for me to be a good Muslim is to be a good son, a good father, a good husband, a good friend, a good brother and a good doctor ;)
i'm not as good when it comes to "performing" 3ebadat and such but I try to think that everything I do with a good intent is a good deed at the end :)
Allah yerzogna d5ol aljanna jame3an
عندما يولد ابن ادم يؤذن في اذنة من غير صلاة
وعندما يموت يصلي علية من غير أذان..
وكان حياتة مابين
أذان وصلاة
فلا تحزن على الامس فهو لن يعود ..
ولا تاسف على اليوم فهو راحل..
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