Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Big Brother

Reasons why I always wanted an older brother:
I’m the eldest. I do love it, and love the attention it brings with it.
When you’re the youngest or the middle one, there’s always someone looking out for you. You feel like you constantly have that one cozy embrace that can make your day, that shoulder to cry on, that person to protect you.
That person to look up to.
No pressure.

To feel protected by someone…who’s wise and understands what goes on in my head without judging. There’s this part of me that KNOWS that I’d have been a completely different person if I had one. Don’t know if to better or to worse, but I’d have changed there’s no doubt about that.

Naturally, I’m thankful of course that I am the way I am now.
I’m independent, yet there are things I can never do on my own (people often think my sister is the older one because she acts like it, or MAYBE it's because sometimes I act like I'm my brother's age :P
it's a de-stressing technique, poor thing she's seen too many 'techniques' lol)

I literally built myself block by block over the years, and it’s so easy for a whole building to collapse when one block accidentally slips out of place. You always have another chance to reconstruct your building back to its original summit, as long as the pillars have not been weakened by the constant falling or the drastic collapse, you have a second chance.

I just always wondered how it’d feel if I had an older brother to play my role for ME, or to have someone to lean on at the times of my weakness (we all have our moments, but I can't afford to succumb to those moments when I'm supposedly the person my siblings look up to…yes nobody is perfect…Perfection is only in the hands of God), when all I need is a hug from that older understanding loving brother.

Words wouldn’t be necessary. Communication would be far deeper than mere words. He’d read my emotions through
my eyes.
I’m transparent
if you know the language my eyes speak. I was never able to hide through them.
Happiness, sadness, love, concern, hurt, shyness, anger…I could hide through putting on a smile, but you’ll only be sure one way.

I must say though that I love my siblings to death! I’d do EVERYTHING I could to protect them and be there for them whenever they need me Allah yi7meehom. If anyone ever offends them, even if it was merely ‘verbally’, I could literally put up a fight. (It’s happened before…but never again ilhamdilah…people start knowing on their own after it happens once.)

I learned something of utmost interest. You’ve all heard it before, but I’ve seen it. We tend to treat the people we love and care about the way WE want to be treated. So true.

P.S. I was inspired by a friend of mine to talk about this topic the other day since it was brought up and it means a lot to me…
I actually wrote all this on my phone as a msg and saved it as a draft! :) keep inspiring me people, you've been great.

Your one and only....Perky Doc. ;)


last_ache said...

you know what perky doc.
it's funny how we always want what we dont have! we always dream of how it may change us having that thing that we believe we havent been blessed with! i have an older bro and an older sis! i'm the youngest! and i always wanted to be the eldest! i wanted to b the one ru;ing and leading!! i love kids! i love teaching them wrong from right!! but i guess we all have our certain role in life! and one of u said before, everything happens for a reason! and i also blv, god always choose the better offer in life ;) i like to blv so :P

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Aww perky, i'll look out for you and protect you and all that :D
And ache that's not always true, well maybe not in my case. Im not exactly the middle child but i guess you can say im somewhere in the middle. I used to get bossed and bullied by my older siblings but then i'd turn around and boss and bully my younger brothers. It' all good lol.


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Perk, having a big brother is an endless joyful feeling of friendship,union and belonging.. much as i wish you lived the
experience as much as i believe that You Are who you are now for many and many reasons, the MAIN is:
GOD chose YOU to be in this way!

Perk,Thank you for sharing such a sentimental feeling,delicate but forceful reminds me of how we all have the right to Wish, dream and apply those fantasies to reality ,even if they are im-Possible..
In the end we find our way THROUGH REALITY to find HOPE,hold on to it and wish for things to get better..

Perks i'm proud of who you are today and REMember;
YOU are the ONLY one to define your self..
no position in a family nor an existence of a person
will do that for you
am sure you know that,add to it that am always here for you &
that you are a friend i simply won't "lose" ;D

Age Will Teach you Too much..
Never GROW UP!! ;P

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Ache: we always dream of the things we don't have. but not necessarily the things we haven't been "blessed with" as u said. Everything is a part of God's blessing. whether we have it, or not. :) But it's not that I DON'T love my role as the eldest, i DO...I just always wondered about my nonexistant old bro...

Glam: lol! so cute hehe. yes being the eldest has it's only get bossed by your parents :P

Vin Vin Vin: (i'm listening to Please Please!)

I told always have a way to always get to me. loved what you wrote!
Yes, no person can define who I am or will be, it's all about staying true to yourself and being natural.

I do have an older brother though, in my head sometimes...sounds crazy i know, but sometimes u wish for something utterly IMPOSSIBLE to happen so badly, to the point where you try to make it close to reality in your own little world :P (I am NOT crazy lol!). I got myself to look out for me ;)

Love you all, I am truly blessed with you il7amdilah! :)

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

To quote the words of the Rolling Stones.. "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find you get what you need"

I won't lie to you and say i've never wished for a twin (lol) or that the age difference between me and my sis was a bit smaller.. BUT il7amdillah i'm grateful for what i do have.. my beloved brothers and 7-year-younger sis make up for it all..

and yes vin its true, only we can define ourselves, but your surroundings and the people around you (ESPECIALLY siblings!) play a MAJOR role in shaping you.. i mean they're the first ones who were there to pick a fight with you over the silliest things.. (what would have become of you without those battlefield skills? :p)

so perky, i'd have to say we all owe it at least partially to our siblings for the people we have become.. and we should always ALWAYS be grateful for what we have .. btw you're doing just fine without a real older bro ;)


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

yeah makes sense Savvy :) like i said in the blog...i'd have been a completely different person, to better or to worse.
and thanks :) :*
