Monday, March 12, 2007

Change... a natural route in life

Its part of human nature to change. Every person changes, sometimes for the better and some times for worse. And God knows i've changed immensely in the past few years, and I actually have the courage to step up and admit that its for the worse!!
You dn't really know how bad things are turning out to be coz ur living the situation. you know its bad when an outsider comments on it! And yes things are pretty FU**ED up right now and i mean really f....(excuse the lang.)
As a child you grow up tinking you're gonna be something great, no one expects themselves to be just ordinary, its human nature. It has come to my attention that am I am BENEATH ordinary, that's when u know u've just hit rock bottom. And im admitting that i need help!! everyone needs help every once inawhile.
Btw i think this is a good time for a public appology! I know we're supposed to be anonymous, but those who do know me,and HAVE noticed my weirdness lateley im sorry if i've broken out on u or offended u in an way in the past two weeks, am goin through a rough time, and i know that doesnt give me the privelage to treat u guys like crap, just bear me for the next few days , this is a horrible time of year for me (the age issue :S) but its almost over!!
So ppl change, ive changed, and so have you! Change is inevitable, just make it work for you!! Take it from a person who hates what she's turned into!!



A Triumphant Pursuit said...

...and truly "change is innevitable"
and suprise suprise no one can change it...It might seem sucky right now *great use of vocab iDOC!* but the same way we can't run away from change we also can't run away from good!

Life is good...we all have our ups and downs but if we keep the faith (and we will be put down too many times) eventually we will reach the ultimate goal we all are seeking in life (and only life since the goal in the after-life is by Gods will Paradise) is happiness and success...

Take this from someone who has been through (is going through and may have to endure in the future)the same experiances that God chose to test you with now, instead of earlyer or later!!


A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Things change. People change. The world is constantly changing. I'm not gonna give you a whole optimistic lecture about how you should embrace change and all because i'm sure you've heard it all one too many times before.. but let me tell you this.. you're the ONLY person who's in control of the person you end up changing into.. i know it's hard to always strive for perfection in that sense, but considering this is your future, your LIFE we're dealing with, it's worth a shot don't you think?

iDOC- i'm so with you.. KEEP THE FAITH .. it's all we've got in the end :)


last_ache said...

.. i think all i can say is already said in your own words.. human nature... we all have massive dreams when we're young! no one ever dreamt of being a gardner for example, no one dreamt of being a driver.. BUT YOU managed to do what most people dreamt of and never had the opportunity to get even CLOSE to it! due to SURRENDER! it's human nature, that as we get closer to a mirage, it gets further and further! but it's for US to go as far as we can! we ALL change! it's human nature! but what matters is not the people around you hating the change! it's you! when YOU yourself hate the change, then it's about to CHANGE it to better!!! it's human nature that as we age, we feel the pressure of accomplishing what we want as soon as possible!

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

Like you said change is a natural route in life. It happens whether we want it to or not, either to the better or worse. It might not be us but the people around us changing, circumstances, part of our lives...etc. In the end you end up changing along with them or not other words trying to adapt.
However if you notice that you’re turning into a person that you dont wanna be and try to change that for the better then thats all that matters. I think it takes a lot for a person to admitt their flaws or faults and i salute you for that. Like i always tell you, everyone has shitty days and it either breaks you or makes you stronger, My mom always says that when things get really bad, imagine you’re at the neck of the bottle, its the tightest part and it takes a lot to push through but then the cap pops open and you’re out. I think you’re much stronger and braver than what you give yourself credit for.
Oh and btw you havent been difficult lately. We’ll bear with you without you even asking dear. Just hang in there and it’ll get better before you know it. We’re all in this together remember.

A Triumphant Pursuit said...

this is DEEEP man!!
i agree with all of the other's comments, it makes perfect sense.

sporty Doc.